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  • Alex Ricciardi

Programming Fundamentals: The Power of Modular Development

Updated: Aug 15

This article explores the essential components of programming, highlighting the importance of modular development in creating scalable, maintainable software applications.

Alexander S. Ricciardi

February 11th, 2024


What are the principal components involved in developing a program? 


The principal components involved in developing an application are planning and analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. The process is cyclical, meaning that the components are treated as repeatable steps during the lifetime of the applications. This was not always the case, in the past most applications were sold on Compact Disks (CDs). Software maintenance was only accessible to businesses that could afford to have a team of programmers capable of maintaining (upgrading/updating) their software. This application development model was not accessible to individual users or smaller businesses. Today, most individual user applications are developed using a programming development cycle model.

The following list outlines six components or steps involved in a programming development cycles model.


  1. Analyze the problem or need: Understand the issue or need and decide on a programmatic solution.

  2. Design the program (logic): Use tools like flowcharts to visualize the program's flow.

  3. Code the program: Write the source code using a programming language.

  4. Debug the program (test): Identify and fix errors or "bugs" in the code.

  5. Formalize the solution: Ensure the program is ready for release and formalize documentation for understanding and future maintenance.

  6. Release and maintain the program.

(Nguyen, 2019)


The word “cycles” is pluralized in the expression “programming development cycles” because the development steps can be repeated by section. For example, the steps ‘Code the program’ and ‘Debug the program’ can form a cyclic section of the development, meaning that after you debug the program you may need to recode the program and then debug it again.


The diagram below shows the cyclical nature of a programming development cycle model.

Figure 1

Programming Development Cyclical Nature

Programming Development Cyclical Nature

Note: From Programming Development Cycles, by Nguyen, 2019.


Describe the benefits of breaking up a program into small modules and provide an example of an application that makes the most of one of these benefits.


Breaking up a program into small modules has several benefits such as readability, manageability, easier testing, reusability, and maintenance of code. Block-structured languages structurally implement what can be considered a low level of modulation for readability and functionality. For example, c and c++ use brackets {} to groups (modularized) and Python utilizes indentation for the same purpose (Klein, 2022). Object-oriented programming languages take it a step further by implementing classes that allow the creation of object instances that encapsulate both code and data allowing modulation of a program. I store my program classes in different files and directories. Additionally, importing libraries, for example, in c++ and Python is a form of modular programming.


Modular programming is:


“Modular programming is a general programming concept where developers separate program functions into independent pieces. These pieces then act like building blocks, with each block containing all the necessary parts to execute one aspect of functionality.” (Macdonald, 2023)


“Modular programming is a software design technique that emphasizes separating the functionality of a program into independent, interchangeable modules, such that each contains everything necessary to execute only one aspect of the desired functionality.” (Busbee & Braunschweig, 2018)


The benefits of breaking up a program into small modules or modular programming can be listed as follows:


  • Readability: Modular code is easier to read and understand because it's divided into logical sections, each performing a distinct function.

  • Manageability: Smaller, self-contained modules are easier to manage because changes in one module are less likely to impact others.

  • Easier Testing: Modules can be tested independently, making it simpler to isolate and resolve defects.

  • Reusability: Functions or classes defined in one module can be reused in other parts of the program or in future projects, saving development time.

  • Maintenance: Updating a module for new requirements or fixing bugs is more straightforward when the application is modularized, enhancing long-term code maintenance.

(Busbee, 2013)


In general, it is good practice to modularize your program small or large. Applications that benefit from modular programming are large-scale web applications. Large-scale web applications are complex systems. They need to handle a large and increasing number of users, higher loads of traffic, and an exponentially growing data pool. An example of a large-scale web application is an online retail platform, which needs to manage vast amounts of user and product data, process transactions securely, and scale dynamically (Struk, 2023). For large-scale web applications, modular programming combined with microservices architecture (a form of modulation that breaks up a program into separate services)  is crucial for manageability, efficiency, scalability, and maintainability. 


A popular framework for web applications is React, it utilizes the concept of components as modules.


“In React, you develop your applications by creating reusable components that you can think of as independent Lego blocks. These components are individual pieces of a final interface, which, when assembled, form the application’s entire user interface.” (Herbert, 2023)


“React's component-based architecture allows you to create modular and reusable code that can help you scale your web application as your business grows. This makes React a great choice for developing large-scale applications that require maintainability, scalability, and flexibility.” (Hutsulyak, 2023)

The modular development approach helps developers create software that is maintainable, scalable, and efficient. By breaking down complex applications into smaller, independent modules, developers can create systems that are easier to manage, test, and update. Whether you're working on a small project or a large-scale web application, utilizing modular programming will empower you to build more resilient and adaptable software solutions.



Busbee, K. L. (2013, January 10). Programming Fundamentals - A Modular Structured Approach using C++. Internet Archive.


Busbee, K. L., & Braunschweig, D. (2018, December 15). Modular Programming. Programming Fundamentals.


Herbert, D. (2023, November 13). What is react.js? uses, examples, & more. HubSpot Blog.


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